Monday, March 06, 2006

Choices, part 5 [Joshua ch.5]

No more manna, no more free bread from heaven
The time comes to live off the fruit of the promise
The time comes to grow up and take responsibility
For finding sustenance within God’s call
Within God’s challenge, within his dare...

[Note: Chapter 5 also contains indisputable proof that the men of Israel trusted Joshua at a visceral level. There can be no doubt in the minds of men who choose to follow a leader who says, "Okay guys, today is the day when we all get circumcised." That takes real conviction! Wow...]


Anonymous said...

My boss used that line on us just the other day... and even though he signs our paychecks noone jumped on his bandwagon. So this Joshua musta been a special kinda dude... given that his guys weren't even on the payroll.

Scott said...

Yikes... Whatever your industry is, Dr. Max, I'm thankful that I'm not in it!

But seriously... Joshua had proven himself to be an adventurer who also honored his responsibilities. He consistently leaned into the next wave of God's action, while never letting go of his people's heritage. And in the gravitational field of paradox, he listened to God.

That's not a bad recipe for a leader.

Anonymous said...

sb... Actually, I am in the "dirt" game, and we have to deal with the real stuff like hardpan, gravel and waterflow on a daily basis as preparation for building "houses"... much like Joshua, in his "site-work" of supervising the House of Israel

Scott said...

Thanks for clarifying, Dr. Max. It is apparent that you are also in the business of layering pithy metaphors. I wouldn't mind hearing more on your ideas about "site-work".