Monday, July 02, 2007

my soulscape thrums

There are moments
when my soulscape
thrums with jazz and banter
…pulses with brushstrokes and light

And then cuts abruptly
to a vacant soundstage
mute as ash
held like a breath
…pending and panicked

At such times my beliefs
like unemployed actors
must again audition
for their roles
in the script I hold

They are fragile and insecure
It is a wearisome business

But you are singing under a streetlamp
tambourine in hand
refusing to learn your lines
confronting me with hilarity
…reanimating the mundane

Copyright Scott Burnett 2007


Anonymous said...

I hear your words and I feel your
weariness, as I sometimes feel this way too. It is sometimes a very odd feeling this mundane and unknowing what the future may hold for us but we must find strength in our ability to recognize our gifts given to us and let the rest just take care of it's self. don't let life and many of it's situations overburden your enthusiasm for the wonderful work
you are doing in Gods realm. try to take rest whenever possible to reenergize your creative soul.

Scott said...

Thanks, Larry -- these are good words. I'm convinced that one of the keys to successfully navigating life is to not go it alone.