Saturday, July 15, 2006

soul-sized life

What are the dimensions of your soul? How far can she throw her light? How many close relationships do you have the capacity to honor?

How much art will you render? How many stories will be yours to tell? How many friends will you help to discover their own souls?

As I ask questions like these of myself, the tendency is to swing between overestimating and underestimating the size of my soul. Maybe the oscillation between big and small is what keeps me bending back toward a sane assessment.

For more on this topic, see the post inhabiting littleness, and the comments that followed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I believe that when we walk in the light, our lives touch many more than we even realize. Our words, our music, our art and written words tend to cause a ripple that grows in size like pebbles thrown into a pond. I know that after my mother in law died, I was blown away by how many people her life (simplisitic by the world's standard) touched. It's something I try to be mindful of daily as the negative words, thoughts and deeds also touch more lives than we realize. KRG