Saturday, April 15, 2006


Is there a difference between the omnipresence of God (his ‘everywhere-ness’) and his real presence or manifest presence (his ‘right-here-ness’)?

It certainly feels different, but is that due to changes in us or changes in him? …Or both?

Is it our perception of God's closeness that changes as we yield our splintered wills to his One Will? ...Our cloudy truths to his Clear Truth? Or is God actually pressing nearer to us during certain holy moments?


Scott said...

Maybe the question I'm asking is Am I making a false distinction?

Anonymous said...

I believe it is changes in us that causes us to feel that God is far from us. I believe God is a constant and His ear ever ready to hear us and respond to us. We humans have lots of ways and reasons to keep God at arms length: fear, guilt, preoccupation. "He will never leave us or forsake us". Some look for signs and wonders to keep us feeling close, others listen to prophets and minister's to hear God's voice.
We must listen to our hearts and minds and decide how we will be open to God's closeness.

Scott said...

What does it mean that "where two or more are gathered in my name, there I will be also"? Jesus seems to be saying that there can be a change in the nature of his presence.