Friday, June 16, 2006


“Teach me to number my days.”

I’ve been making a concerted effort to consistently reassess my time equity. What do I have to work with? How am I spending it, investing it, wasting it, enjoying it...?

In 2016, how will I feel about the way I spent 2006?


Anonymous said...

As a wise-guy once said to me..."The speed of existence today is faster that the speed of life."

So I would propose that it's also essential as we number our days to consider that the investment of time is not about cramming more into a day. In fact, here's the paradox... something God seems to favor in His "upside-down Kingdom"... if you can get still, be at rest, you actually get more of the important stuff done in a day... a better deal than simply stuffing more into your today. End result? One gets more "life" out of one's day, and less mere "existence".

Now, having said all this, I've got to run... I can't waste time noodling around on a blog all day... especially with all the stuff I've got on my plate!!

Scott said...

Good words, Rev. Velocity is a key consideration...

Anonymous said...

Alex, I think that is a splendid idea. As we have spoken many times on this blog it really is all about relationships. Have we been good stewards of our relationships? This directly correlates with having being good stewards of our time. KRG

Scott said...

I agree, Alex -- it's a great idea. Sign me up.